Friday, 3 February 2012

Can't Sleep...........

*sigh* I wish I could sleep like a normal person.

You know, get up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day, then do what is needed to be done - work, clean, interact, exercise, eat. After that point, it's time to relax and start feeling tired, then take yourself off to bed, head on the pillow, eyes closed, dream a little dream in the world of Nod.
It all seems so simple! And yet, here I am at 1:15am and sleep still eludes me.

Before you all jump on me and tell me your quick fix remedies for blissful sleep, please be aware that I have tried the following with pretty much zero% consistent success rate: 
Herbal teas, Relaxing music, Switching the lights off and avoiding computers/tv/technology 30 minutes - 1 hour before I plan on sleeping, Warm shower with Lavender body wash, Massage, Visualisation, Sex, No eating after 7pm, Fan on, Fan off, Sheets on, Sheets off, Warm milk and honey, Breathing techniques, Earplugs, Face mask, Changed mattress, Changed pillows, Natural sleep "medication" <-- Some of these actually worked, but too well - slept the entire next day and night as well :/

I have tried all of these things in multiple different situations, in conjunction with each other as well as independently. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. I think I am controlled by the moon, or the tide, or some other crazy astrological explanation; though I am yet to find a common link or pattern to my sleeplessness.

Without getting too narky, please nobody make the comment, "You need to get as much sleep in as you can now before children come along!" I believe you. Kids are hard work and have crazy sleeping patterns as well. Having children is your choice. Not having children at this point in my life is my choice. I will complain about child-free, sleepless nights all I like, thank you very much. It's as much out of my control as your screaming baby.

Sleep tight
BzeeJ x

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